You should read Loeb’s book before burning him at the stake. In it he offers quiet and considered analysis of ALL the evidence. I don’t think you have. I feel it is necessary to respond to your hack job on this man. His book offers his theory, that he feels fits all the facts known, as to what this object was. That he is being attacked by so many in his field, points out the reality of the scientific endeavor today — that it is not like the rosy picture of serious individuals engaged in open-minded inquiry, but, like the rest of human society, is filled with uncompromising political views, whose adherents fight tooth-and-nail against any ideas that conflict with their own. I disagree with characterizing this as ‘groupthink’, as you do in this piece. Instead it’s very much like the rigid fundamentalism that can be found in organized religions and certain political parties. And we’ve had enough of that. It’s an offense against the good intent of Science.
What I take away from this piece is Loeb has the credentials, experience, awards, and has held the kind of high positions in his chosen field, that you can only write about. His book deserves our consideration.