This is part of a longer dialogue, called the Proem, that is published in “Tranquillity’s Secret.” The top-level menu for which is at the top of the page, or you can simply click on the Publication name, also at the top of the page. You skipped the earlier part of this dialogue called “Understanding Experience” in which the need for this word was explained. It is defined there in detail, or you can click on “Back Matter” in the top level menu, and then select glossary. The definition is in there as well. But since you may not be interested in accessing that definition, being happily satisfied with your slur in your next comment, or just because you are foxed by sustained dialog, I will paste the definition here.
| ˌɪmˈpirēəns |
The directly lived event which has affected us - it is the deeply felt presence of that which we perceive, think, emote, embody, remember and intuit, which arise as the processual unfolding phenomena of mind. Note that presence is different than meaning, or sense, or even identification. Normally, these imperiences are immediately apperceived into our understanding as experiences, i.e. identified content.
From Latin from in- “in” or “within,” +. -peritus, “experienced” or “tested.”