Ignoring the facts and history, as you are, and focusing solely on your illogic of fulminating that corporations are somehow NOT the collection of INDIVIDUAL managers, employees, stockholders, suppliers and customers that make them up, and that we cannot INDIVIDUALLY change anything and therefore shouldn’t try, but rather should sit back and eat a nice juicy steak (is that why your bio says you’re a vampire?) rather than each of us taking a stance, changing our individual behavior (yes! even at work in our evil corporations) towards a positive direction in order to stave off human-caused climate disaster (yes, human), is just bonkers.
Corporations are a legal fiction. You’re arguing that ficticious entities caused the destabilization of the atmosphere. How is that different than the fictions that climate disaster deniers try to foist off on the public?
Fact is,
… more than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuel‘s has been emitted in just the past three decades. Which means we have done as much damage to the fate of the planet and its ability to sustain human life and civilization since Al Gore published his first book on climate than in all the centuries — all the millennia — that came before.
Does anyone other than you believe that our “systems” are that effective in doing anything? If only that were true!
But the damage is ours.
You raise the example of Europe, which has lowered emissions, as somehow different in nature than the US, but on the level of systems, that isn’t really true. Europe’s states are capitalist all — and filled with corporations. It’s the character of INDIVIDUAL Europeans that has enabled “Europe” to lower emissions — and specifically the character of their engagement with their “systems.”
Capitalism hasn’t destroyed the world — capitalists have. And by that I mean individual people.
And only INDIVIDUALS can change it.
You have done your readers a grave disservice today. And you did it all on your own! Imagine that.