I clearly think you are on to something here. Your buddhistic approach to Buddhism is a wonderful way to ignore all the spiritual fluff and focus just on what has nothing to do with Buddhism, so it can be thought clearly, systematically and objectively without any need to know all the crap that has accreted on what must have been just a rational question about why we exist. Buddhism has been so overloaded with other things, like meditation and spiritual insights into the nature of mind and a rational approach to ending suffering. We can now buddhistically ignore all that and just think clearly about what should be our quest: just thinking clearly about stuff that we should be thinking clearly about, and calling it buddhistic because it has nothing to do with Buddhism. I think this move accomplishes a great break away from having to engage with a lot of things about Buddhism that we know nothing about, which we have no desire to know, and this proves that it is not worth knowing because just clearly thinking about it shows the emptiness of its overly complex doctrines that are meaningless when combined with carefully maintained ignorance about them. And this is the epitome of idiocy and a great accomplishment of rationally believing whatever we want about anything. Well done!