Hello Không Không, my reasoning for not using the verb “presenting” is that it elicits an understanding that it is a “presenting to” someone, and that structure of witnessing or observing something is misleading because it seems to impute a reality of the one witnessing or observing, that I have found to not be true. Look at how I clarify the word I use — “presenting” — within this piece with these present participle verbs: “presencing (arising, manifesting, arriving, appearing, showing up, etc.)” Each of these does not denote a presence fully-present — because that is not how it happens when we are meditating upon a phenomon, but rather, we note the appoach of a perception, the onset of an appearing, etc. This approach is then identified, tagged, and named by our consciousness of it, containing it within a conceptual structure. What happened to the pre-conceptual phenomenon? It was veiled by the process of apperceiving what it was. And we do this with everything we pay attention to.
Thank you for responding.