An Important Insight from the Beyond the Brain Conference 2023

7 min readNov 11, 2023

Thinking About And Interpreting The Ever-Increasing Body Of Scientific Evidence Of Nonmaterial Natural Phenomena

For Information visit: Beyond The Brain Conference 2023 | The Scientific and Medical Network, Division of Perceptual Studies of the University of Virginia, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the ALEF Trust

I was asked to write a report on the three and a half day online interdisciplinary conference presented by the Scientific and Medical Network on the theme of Beyond the Brain. My report is not going to give a detailed review, because there was so much of interest in the various talks by the presenters, but I will be writing more of a thematic overview. To that end, I want to jump to the last day of the conference first, and highlight what was, for me at least, the most important insight presented. It happened during the dialog between Bill Bengston and Dean Radin on the subject of Energy Medicine and Healing Experiments, in an exchange between Radin and Marjorie Woollacott:

Marjorie Woollacott:

… I’ve heard this argument. In fact, I’m part of the group now looking at what conscious fields really are. Are they informational fields? Are they energy fields? I think the paradox is that the person, as you said, feels it as energy in their body, so some receptors in their body, some aspect of their subtle fields, is detecting something that feels like energy, and yet it doesn’t have the properties that we associate with energy. And so perhaps, does it mean that maybe we




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